Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thanks for loving me by loving you...

As I tried and tried all these years to understand how love can just fade or go away... I realize it doesn't, all the anger and questions and resentment were for nothing he never stopped loving me... Loving someone is placing your love for self before your love for someone. And if some one is not beneficial to the love you have for you, as in Christ's image of love for you... You mustn't continue to engage in their love-so in turn if you honestly evaluate self, and self isn't 100%happy or fulfilled leaving that person is a must bc that's what love would do... If someone isn't fully invested, bc they walk away doesn't mean they gave up. Doesn't mean they don't care. Doesn't mean anything accept that situation isn't/wasn't what they dreamed, they felt, they saw, isn't what they "wanted" and whether it be selfish or not, it is actually the most selfless thing they could do bc they will only continue hurting you-it's just as not easy or just as painful for then I'm sure! I'm sure it's scary also! I'm sure it's uncomfortable... But being half invested would be much worse!!! And if they ? You, or ? The us, or the relationship, or their love for you... They aren't fully invested! So the next time someone, says they don't know, or you aren't the one, or it's over.... Or even I'm just not sure-know one thing, listen! Take their whole hearted honesty and remove yourself because you love you....say thanks for loving me and smile at the sure fact that not one more second will be wated on uncertainty or what most consider "fighting for love" there is patience in loving but you don't have to be patient to be loved!!! Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. (1 John 3:18 NIV84)